Say Hello to App, Yum Yum!

Say Hello to App, Yum Yum!

We’re excited to announce that as of June 24th our brand new app review website went live! The site is “apply” named App, Yum Yum! and is located at Since iPad and iPhone app reviews for children with autism and other developmental dis… more »
  • iPad Apptitude

  • Welcome to the iPad blog at Autism Epicenter. This blog is for exclusive discussion of the many apps, and devices, that can help children with ASD and other developmental disabilities. Of course, the iPad isn’t the only device in this category. Many children and adults with autism can also benefit from using the iPhone and iPod Touch. In fact, those devices are more portable than the iPad and may be more practical to lug around.

    All blog posts written here are by an autism Dad who has years of experience in the technology field and a degree in Management Information Systems. My name is Shane Nurnberg. I also use the iPad with my son at home and review ‘autism apps’ for Autism Epicenter. I’m the founder of I also speak throughout the nation about these devices and the apps that can help people with autism. My hope is that this blog helps YOU!